TI Architecture and integration
Specialized in IT infrastructure creation and realization. Vmware, unix / linux, Windows, Docker, Pivotal.Servers and storage migration and integration.
Integration of web tools, smtp, Websphere and virtualization.
Software installation, migration and integration.
IT project management
Spidsoft Admin and Search
Spidsoft admin and Search 3.0 , is a software for indexing, document retrieval and server administration. Find your documents quickly and perform complex tasks in one click.
It also makes complex operations safe. Free your administrators from simple, repetitive work by allowing others to do these complex tasks safely.

Paaze hosting
A hosting solution based on Docker.
PAAZE offers hodting solutions PAAS and SAAS that meet your needs
Easily host your applications.
A simple and powerful orchestrator.
An easy-to-deploy application catalog (wordpress, Apache, PAAZE) offers PAAS and SAAS docking solutions that meet your needs.
Easily host your applications.
Choose your virtualization Swarm, Kubernate, Mesos, Cattle.
An easy-to-deploy application catalog (wordpress, Apache, Microsoft SQL, Mysql).
Sécurity: Firewall,VPN..